Vedete? Impegnandomi bene , ho fatto questo runner /centrotavola natalizio a patchwork
che pur non essendo"quiltato" si presenta abbastanza bene !
Il disegno e le spiegazioni sono tutte Missouri Star quilting Company e Jenny spiega benissimo su YouTube tutti i passi necessary per fare tantissimi quilts , con tecniche che rendono tante cose molto più semplici e ... alla portata di tutti !
I gathered all the courage I could find in myself and did this Xmas tree runner ! I was very nicely instructed by Jenn's YouTube explanations : Jenny of the Missouri Star Quilting Company gave all necessary and clear instructions and tips to realize the runner: Go and visit that site , you'll find alot of lovely patch-works to make!!
J'ai trouvé tout mon courage pour réalizer ce Centretable/runner de NOEL grâce aussi à les instructions nécessaires et très claires données par Jenny de Missouri Star Quilting Company dans son YouTube: allez rendre une petite visite et vous trouverez sans doute de super jolis projets pour faire de belles choses à partchwork!
I primi passi .... First steps ... Premiers pas.....